Feb 07 , 2022


Blonde hair is gorgeous , but also comes with more upkeep than darker hair. Blonde hair tends to be dryer, more brittle and easier to break. There are a few things you can do in order to reduce this from happening. 

  1. When receiving your color, make sure that your stylist uses a Ph Bonder ( ie Olaplex) in your color mixture. I also mix a little Argan or Coconut oil in my color mixture, just to add a tad bit of moisture when applying. 
  2. When shampooing make sure that you include a purple shampoo, this will help keep your blonde toned and brassiness will stay away. 
  3. Keep a healthy hair care regimen with your stylist, regular hydration and protein treatments and trims in between color touch ups. Using products that promote extreme hydration!
  4. Use  De’Anasa HydraLux Botanical Oil Serum which is a  lightweight serum/oil  that can be used daily to moisturize your hair. 
  5. If you use heat tools make sure to use a thermal blow dry cream, and/or thermal spray and a light oil/serum. These will help protect your strands from the heat. 
  6. Finally Don’t Ove rProcess !!!  I suggest touch ups every 4-5 months, unless you have short/pixie cut ! Over Processing will ensure that the quality of your hair will be destroyed!!